Sammy Gulamdun



Welcome NYME to the Blogosphere

Welcome NYME to the Blogosphere

When Eugene Volynets opened New York Mortgage Exchange in April of 1990, the Hubble Telescope had just been placed in orbit, the Celtics dropped 157 points on the Knicks, and the interest rate on the 30 year fixed was around 10%

Twenty-four years later, the Hubble is on its last legs, the Knicks! (knock on wood), and FreddieMac’s Dec 2013 ~4.5% rate is supposedly a sign that the market is stabilizing from the worst crisis since the Great Depression.

In 1990, Eugene’s son was 5 months old, and today, he is writing this post.

My father has always believed in the power of referral. As a child, when I asked why he never advertised in newspapers or magazines, he answered “If people like you, they’ll tell their friends.” 
Although in those days, ‘likes’ weren’t buttons and ‘friends’ weren’t profiles, the essence of what he said continues to ring true today.

While we can’t promise this blog will make you laugh, we can promise to provide you with a relevant stream of content to help you make more informed financial decisions.

So if you aren’t sure if you’ve been quoted the best rates possible, or if you aren't sure what the difference between a fixed and adjustable rate mortgage is, don’t hesitate to call us at 718-339-3600, send us an email to

For almost twenty-five years, NYME has been helping New Yorkers realize their dreams of responsible home ownership. Remember, you’re never just a loan to us, and with us, you’re never alone.